“Dremiks” is a story of adventure and intrigue set on humanity’s first inter-stellar transport. The stated mission for the crew and colonists of the Hudson is to travel across the universe and save the doomed planet of Dremiks. During their seven month journey, though, they learn that human beings have not fundamentally changed–jealousy and greed are still powerfully motivating characteristics.
The characters of “Dremiks” are surrounded by shifting loyalties, saboteurs, deceitful aliens, and all of the dangers of space travel. Friendships evolve, relationships unravel, and there’s still a dying planet to be saved.
This is the space-opera that will suck you in and keep you up late at night.
“Dremiks” is available via Amazon in both Kindle and paperback formats.
Paperback copies are also available at Bookshop.org