Giving Thanks
Books don’t–as much as we may wish they did–spring forth from our brains onto perfectly printed pages or automatically downloaded to an e-reader. They are labors of love (and frustration). They’re also a group effort.
Books don’t–as much as we may wish they did–spring forth from our brains onto perfectly printed pages or automatically downloaded to an e-reader. They are labors of love (and frustration). They’re also a group effort.
I didn’t spend the early pandemic months of 2020 making sourdough bread, learning a new language, or writing a novel. We’d move to Texas a measly 9 months prior. We were still trying to settle in, considering if we wanted to buy a home, and figuring out future plans. My sons–who I homeschool–were completing their 11th and 8th grade years. I was plenty busy.
I’m very excited about the launch of Winter Wonder! As with all artistic endeavors, this anthology (and my contribution to it) was not formed in a vacuum. I want to tell you how “Aliens & Gingerbread” came to be, and I want to thank the people who helped me share this story with the world.
I started my first author blog back in 2011. Rather than re-create it here, I’m providing a link.